Weekly spay/neuter clinics for cats and dogs are offered on Mondays/Saturdays at CNY SNAP in Cortland, NY, and require an appointment. Please review all of the information below.
Make an Appointment
All appointments are made through voicemail. Please call (607) 756-2561 and leave a message with your name, telephone number, and requested service. If the voicemail is full, try again later in the week. We receive dozens of calls a day. Please speak clearly.
You’ll receive a return call once an appointment becomes available. Due to extremely high demand, the wait for an appointment can be several months. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
We partner with Shelter Outreach Services, a non-profit that provides affordable spay/neuter services to companion animals. They offer spay/neuter clinics at other locations. Visit their website for additional clinic locations.
Services & Pricing
We accept cash or check payment only.
Prices are subject to change.
Cost per animal:
- Female Dog Spay — $120
- Male Dog Neuter — $100
- Dogs over 100 lbs. will incur an additional fee.
- Female Cat Spay — $80
- Male Cat Neuter — $60
Cost of additional services (offered during spay/neuter procedure only):
- Rabies Vaccine — $10
- Distemper Vaccine — $10
- Flea Treatment — $4
- Ear Mite Treatment — $4
- Microchip — $10 each
- Other necessary services may incur an additional charge, such as de-worming, eye medication or antibiotics, etc.
Day-of Clinic Reminders
- Remember to bring a carrier when you pick up your cat. Although hard-sided carriers are preferred, soft-sided or cardboard carriers are less expensive, or borrow a carrier from a friend or family member.
- Remember to bring a leash or carrier when you pick up your dog.
- We accept cash or check for services, paid at the time of pick up.

The Importance of Spay/Neuter
With humane societies and shelters overwhelmed with homeless and abandoned animals, spaying and neutering your pets is an important way in which you can become part of the solution to the overpopulation problem.
Benefits of having your pet spayed/neutered:
- It reduces population of unwanted cats and dogs.
- Territorial marking in the house, if it occurs, is reduced by half.
- Episodes of aggression towards other cats/dogs should cease.
- Roaming (running away from home) is reduced in about 90% of cases.
The health effect of having your pet spayed/neutered are quite significant as well:
- Spaying eliminates heat cycles in females and ensures that the problems associated with heat cycles are avoided.
- With neutering, many prostatic diseases are greatly reduced, as is the risk of prostatic cancer.